Ask an Atheist with Sam Mulvey

Next Up: Rapture Relief

Sam talks to Bob and Kyle of Seattle Atheists about their new Rapture Relief program.

About the Author: Sam Mulvey

Sam Mulvey is a producer and the technical brain behind Ask an Atheist. He is a collector of vinegar varieties, vintage computers, antique radios, and propaganda.

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Henry (from San Jose)

In the wake of Harold Camping’s massive fundraising and advertising campaign, my suggestion is that secular folks and liberal religious folks join forces to urge reform of the financial reporting requirements for churches. Foundations have strict spending requirements and have to file detailed reports every year. Churches don’t have to file any sort of tax return unless they have unrelated business income to report (Form 990). If the public had access to how churches spend their money, investigative reporters would have a field day, and folks like Harold Camping could be held accountable much more easily.

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