Ask an Atheist with Sam Mulvey

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Eric Rayburn

Two points : About your stand on the ceo of Mozilla. If he isn’t trying to skew the company’s policies regarding same sex marriage, why shouldn’t he be able to express his personal views without worrying about it effecting his employment? If you were a citizen of 1780, with your present day mores, would you have advocated against George Washington for president because of his ownership of slaves? If this was 1994, when same sex marriage was still illegal in all states, would you feel the same way about Mozilla? On the Kevin Sorbo movie (no need to worry about… Read more »

Sam Mulvey

If he isn’t trying to skew the company’s policies regarding same sex marriage, why shouldn’t he be able to express his personal views without worrying about it effecting his employment? He can, and I can choose to put pressure on the Mozilla Foundation to get rid of him and encourage other people not to use Mozilla stuff or participate in Mozilla programs. Both are aspects of free choice. Essentially, he’s allowed to be an idiot, and I’m allowed to call him one. I know that there’s other code in the FOSS movement written by people with abhorrent ideas. It’s not… Read more »

Eric Rayburn

What is the dangerous assumption? I’m wasn’t trying to insinuate you weren’t pro same sex marriage 20 years ago, but with a much larger percentage of the population being anti gay marriage would you still have publicly advocated for removing a ceo because he wa. OPersonally against the idea. Today I was searching for crafting supplies. One thing the choices that came up was hobby lobby. I chose not to look at their site due to their anti gay stance, so I get what you mean. I think it’s more a matter of degree. I’m still very dubious of threatening… Read more »

Sam Mulvey

All I meant is that you shouldn’t assume that everyone has flipped on this issue since the last century. I just posted a slightly-more-in-depth article on the blog, and for the record, I may use a line in my comment to you but you’re not the one I’m talking about there.


The 10% of brain concept is from a misrepresention of the results of a lab experiment. the experiment was running mice through a maze. after a successful run the researchers removed parts of the rats brains and repeated the experiment. they found up to 90% of the brain could be removed before the rats could no longer proceed through the maze at all. This does not show that the other 90% isn’t needed for functioning. This is yet another truism that gets repeated endlessly as fact and yet is completely stupid. this also demonstrates why you should consult scientist not… Read more »

Peter Jones

I just listened to this episode, and had a couple of comments about the “God Isn’t Dead” movie. First, the synopsis of it reminded me so much of a particular Chick Tract that I was surprised nobody else commented on it. As it turned out, the tract I was thinking of was “Big Daddy?”, which starts off about evolution before circling around to “Therefore God”, so it wasn’t totally identical. Second: “you atheists all hate God because He was mean to you, therefore He must exist!” Seriously? That’s their argument. It sounds less like a “God exists” argument, more like… Read more »

John Spinosa

With regards to your interest in faster-than-light travel, there are 2 realistic possibilities I’m aware of: worm holes, which I’m sure you’ve heard of and Alcubierre drive which has an actual small-scale experiment scheduled at NASA to see if it’s even possible.

The theory:

The NASA website:

To infinity and beyond!

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