Ask an Atheist with Sam Mulvey

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Extra Large Sweat Loaf

It was very, very hot in the studio this week.  A comparative mob of people join Sam:  Ranjan, Josh, Mike, and Casey.   And for those of you paying attention: YES.  Mike and Casey from Radio vs. The Martians, previously of this very show.    It’s kind of like Old Home Week.

Note From Sam: This show is kind of sloppy.   Some show-unrelated things happening right now, and I take some rhetorical risks that I normally don’t, with the resulting errors.   Also, I decided to take the lazy way out and merely “bleep” profanity.    All of the context is still there.



Regarding the most recent episode where you talked about the pledge of allegiance. I see 2 options: use the original pledge from before it was changed, you really don’t need God in there and I doubt too many people even would register:

“One nation, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all”


Drop the original Motto project and join the New Motto project.

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under Zod, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“In Zod We Trust”

“Zod the Father(1978), Zod the son(2013), and Zod the Null Spirit(DC dogma). Zod is 3/3 and Zod is 1!”

Zod bless you Sam Mulvey!

Matt from the Interwebs

Why do you even waste your time writing things like this? Use your time to bolster your fellow atheists. Just like Christians build each other up, atheists should do the same. You’re grounded in your belief, leave others alone. When people ask me what I believe I tell them. I can’t change their mind or heart or whatever their clinging to so I move on. I don’t slander them. … Once you’re entrenched in what you believe? There’s no point going any further. Bye.
Eric from California

…and the song Sam is talking about can be found here.

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Johnathan Arriola

I am am remorseful that Becky is losing a close familial friend. I hope that you can find solace from your grief. My condolences for your loss.

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