Becky, Bridget, and Meredith interview Lilith Starr, chapter head of The Satanic Temple of Seattle, about their Menstruatin’ with Satan campaign and other temple actions. Then they take a trip to the Lamb Down Under to discuss marriage equality before heading back to the US for some mixed political news.
- Australian TV commercial offends Hindus with campaign to “Never Lamb Alone”
- Marriage Equality legalized in Australia!
- Australian MP goes on bizarre rant full of homophobic propaganda.
- Christian couples back-peddles on promise to get divorced.
- Gay man denied marriage license by Kim Davis is running to unseat her.
- “They falsely accused Jesus! Vote Roy Moore” was actually written on a church reader-board in Alabama.
- Ask an Atheist Has A New Domain Name:
- The crew and co-hosts of Ask An Atheist will be special guests at the Tri-City Freethinkers’ Solstice Celebration! We’ll update about our plans as they unfold, but expect the full production team, including Sam Mulvey, Rebecca Friedman, Meredith Taylor, Wes Bonetti, and regular host Josh. More info is found by joining the Tricity Freethinkers at or at