I personally just got off the phone with Zach Silk, campaign manager for Washington United for Marriage. He made it very clear that while he didn’t know about what was happening with our coalition status, he wanted to make it clear that support of Referendum 74 is a wide coalition, and those of us without religion are a part of that coalition.
Our logo now appears on their coalition page.
He then did something I never, ever thought I would hear. He apologized.
The people working in support of Referendum 74 at Washington United for Marriage are good people, and we never doubted that. We were sorry, concerned, torn and hurt at some of the mistakes that had been made in the rush to make marriage equality a reality, but that was all. Now that they’ve seen and corrected this error, we will do what we promised.
I intend on thanking Washington United for Marriage on changing their minds with my checkbook, and I hope you consider doing the same. Donate to Washington United for marriage on our team, and help keep the atheism community a part of this historic moment in civil rights.
Do not let a corrected mistake by a small group of individuals deter you from removing religious privilege’s influence on marriage equality.
We would also like to thank everyone who donated during our stream-a-thon, and especially everyone who spoke out and let WU4M know how they felt. We would not be here if you hadn’t taken personal interest in the fight for our place at the table.