This week, our CFI Summit interviews continue with comedian Ian Harris, who is one of the people behind the Evolution of Comedy tour. A link to the trailer for his special “Critical and Thinking,” is available on YouTube. After the interview, Sam, Becky, and Dave talk about what’s going on this week.
Given the separation of church and state issues in Pierce County this week, there are show notes.
FYI – in case you don;t have it on the ready, here’s the pertinent info to pass on to the show’s listeners:
The Pierce County Council will hold its final hearing on this budget amendment this Tuesday, Nov. 19th at 3pm:
County-City Building 10th Floor, Rm 1046 930 Tacoma Ave. S. Tacoma, WA 98402
Ph: (253) 798-7777
Call in your comments, or email using the form at, or attend the hearing and provide oral comments (up to 3 minutes in length), being sure to note it is relating to the “Pierce County 2014 Budget, Amendment #12”.
Stacy in Tacoma
Also, here’s the quote from Jim McCune’s website:
His passion for civics was inspired by the vision our founding fathers had for this country. They appealed to the Supreme Judge of the world for wisdom to design our constitutional republic; thereby, protecting our unalienable right to life, liberty and property. He emphasizes his hope that our courts will return to seeking original intent when deciding law.