Day 4: Sacramento to Orange Show
Passing out as I post this, so I’ll let the content speak for itself. Except to say that today’s show will be a good one when it airs in a couple weeks. Talk to you tomorrow!
All of our posts in a handy blog-style format!
Passing out as I post this, so I’ll let the content speak for itself. Except to say that today’s show will be a good one when it airs in a couple weeks. Talk to you tomorrow!
In this installment, I talk about the final booking (but not the final show) of the tour in Oklahoma City. I also talk about Curt’s comment about the infield fly rule which leads to a few minutes of vaguely incoherent baseball babbling, and about out awesome the people in Sacramento are. It is very late, […]
My brain is melt. I said I wasn’t going to use the cheapie USB headset again, but I lied. The reasons should be clear once you hear the podcast. Seriously, brain melt. I didn’t realize “BluePrint” meant, you know, plans for a some engineering project, rather than print that is blue until right now. […]
Tonight, I talk about the drive from Tacoma to Eugene. Also, since I’m tired and need to wind down, I talk about Dune, prayer, Baseball, driving, and conspiracy theory radio. Not in that order. Here’s the video that Annique from the Netherlands was talking about in her email. As it happens, the game with […]
Alright, I’m finally packed, I took the trash out, and I’m ready to go. Today it’s just me, as Becky’s already down in Sacramento for Secret Reasons. I would have left yesterday, but I had some bad health times last night so I decided to wait. Anyway, expect more later. This here’s just […]
Sam talks about himself for longer than usual, and about his interface with depression, and how it relates to the atheism community.
Mike is talking about his tattoos in an interview over in an interview at CBR Ink.
In promotion of this Friday’s benefit show supporting Ask an Atheist, Sam will be on the local political talk show “Equal Time Radio,” which also airs on KLAY 1180 AM here in Tacoma, Fridays at noon. In addition to raising awareness and money for Ask an Atheist, Sam will likely talk a little bit about […]
It’s no secret that I’m a school teacher by day. Despite my not talking about my activism with students, it doesn’t surprise me when they occasionally find out about my work with Ask An Atheist or in the local freethought movement…which made a situation that occurred in during an instructional exercise the other day all that more surprising.
Fans and friends: it’s the end of the month, which means you’re probably getting paid. Don’t wait till mid-month to buy your ticket for our summer music benefit–ten bucks is all you need for a fantastic evening of local indie-rock! Events like these are a major way in which Ask An Atheist stays on the air–contributions and advertisers alone don’t cover our costs.