Sweeping Graham Cracker Crumbs
Becky, Dan, and Luke discuss hoaxes, state legislation, college, Salish Sea conservation, rebuffed preachers, and mo(o)re.
Becky, Dan, and Luke discuss hoaxes, state legislation, college, Salish Sea conservation, rebuffed preachers, and mo(o)re.
Becky, Justin, and Dan engage in scriptural cherry-picking to justify saving the planet and being against racism, all the while revealing the almighty dollar as America’s One True God, critically examining Harry Potter spells, and scrutinizing the implications of religious freedom laws.
Becky, Justin, and Dan talk Christmas (music) in July, Church reader boards, OMG, highway cleanups, death, and world religions. Catch an”In God We Trust” redux on this episode, too.
Sam, Josh, and Becky celebrate an achievement of The Original Motto Project, dissect a tech claim of a disgraced military reverend, cheer the work of unions, and place bets on who wrote the unsigned, anti-Trump op-ed.
Becky, Sam, Wes, and Josh want god and Billy Graham out of government and schools. We don’t think marriage equality is a farce, and advise against vandalism or marrying your laptop.