Elon Musk’s Flat Earth
Sam, Josh, and Becky celebrate an achievement of The Original Motto Project, dissect a tech claim of a disgraced military reverend, cheer the work of unions, and place bets on who wrote the unsigned, anti-Trump op-ed.
Sam, Josh, and Becky celebrate an achievement of The Original Motto Project, dissect a tech claim of a disgraced military reverend, cheer the work of unions, and place bets on who wrote the unsigned, anti-Trump op-ed.
Becky, Sam, Wes, and Josh want god and Billy Graham out of government and schools. We don’t think marriage equality is a farce, and advise against vandalism or marrying your laptop.
Robert Ray of Secular Yakking podcast and The Original Motto Project joins Becky and Meredith to talk about the U.N, Satanists, the separation of church and state, and the history of In God We Trust. Sam has a discussion with Robert about being how activists deal with negative feedback.
Becky, Josh, and Meredith decline to pray for Hurricane victims, say grace before meals, or insist on the pledge of allegiance. Instead, we laugh at a scepter-bearing Prophetess and bemoan politicians’ calls for godly intercession. Also: don’t marry your laptop.