A Little Less Stupid
Becky, Sam, Wes, and Josh want god and Billy Graham out of government and schools. We don’t think marriage equality is a farce, and advise against vandalism or marrying your laptop.
Becky, Sam, Wes, and Josh want god and Billy Graham out of government and schools. We don’t think marriage equality is a farce, and advise against vandalism or marrying your laptop.
Becky, Bridget, and Meredith interview Lilith Starr, chapter head of The Satanic Temple of Seattle, about their Menstruatin’ with Satan campaign and other temple actions. Then they take a trip to the Lamb Down Under to discuss marriage equality before heading back to the US for some mixed political news.
Becky, Wes, and Bridget talk sports, the Catholic Church, Kim Davis, and Betsy DeVos. Meredith joins Becky and Bridget to discuss sexuality, gender and scouting!
Becky, Josh, and Meredith decline to pray for Hurricane victims, say grace before meals, or insist on the pledge of allegiance. Instead, we laugh at a scepter-bearing Prophetess and bemoan politicians’ calls for godly intercession. Also: don’t marry your laptop.
It is now widely believed that R74 will pass! According to the Washington state election results and the Washington United for Marriage page, with 1.9 megaballots counted and 1.2 megaballots remaining to be counted, R74 leads 51.8% to 48.2%, with a 67,644 vote spread.