Amoral Compass
Justin helps Dan and Becky make sense of the lead-up to the Suleimani assassination. Becky and Dan interview former CQNW camper Bailey about atheist adolescence, and we all chuckle at holy crop dusting.
Justin helps Dan and Becky make sense of the lead-up to the Suleimani assassination. Becky and Dan interview former CQNW camper Bailey about atheist adolescence, and we all chuckle at holy crop dusting.
Becky, Dan, and Josh express alarm regarding assumed entitlement to butts and tabernacles, governmental hand-waving around antisemitism, and religiously-tinged nationality tests in the US and India. Dan clarifies fish grunts for Sam, and we hear from a magnanimous fan in New Zealand.
Sam, Josh, and Luke follow up on yet another Kentucky license plate rejection, question the “wisdom” of sunning one’s nethers, comment on novel ways scientists are attempting to support dying coral reefs, and marvel at an immigrant’s ingenuity in taking down a terrorist with a narwhal tusk.
Becky, Luke, and Josh explore Christian outrage against LGBTQ-inclusive restrooms and cereal, Pompeo’s Christian leadership agenda, and a prayer-based smart watch/app. They also interview Luke Douglas of the Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix about his childhood, deconversion, and directorship of a Humanist community.
Becky, Josh, and Justin get caught in a hurricane-force time loop of listening to Trump repeating himself, ladies praying on beaches, and courts slamming the FLDS. This time around though, the DNC seems to appreciate atheists. They also answer listeners questions.