But it IS about hate sometimes. Hate, ignorance, and a preference for glaring misinformation that confirms already established biases over the truth. You can look at something like the van above, photographed in Oregon, and claim that this is just one insane person who isn’t representative of the views of most people who seem dedicated to blocking equal civil rights for some people, but from conversations I’ve had with many anti-gay rights folks, their position (politics aside) only really differs in the framing of the argument and specific speech used.
More often than not, it seems to comes down to gays being sinful, being seduced by Satan into indulging their “sinful urges”, and they convince themselves that if we don’t recognize gays as deserving equal civil rights in society, that is somehow helping them and everyone else lead a better life.
That, my friends, is both twisted and sad.
And, no matter how gently this idea is presented, it is hateful.
First found at Jalopnik.