One thing I forgot to mention is the big sign that just said “FORGIVE.” It had a very “They Live” feel to it. Other than that, I talk about a lot of driving, how awesome the places we visit are and how badly Seattle/Tacoma fares in the activity of the atheism community, and Becky losing it at some poor hotel people.
Also, here’s a link to a site about the gigafixtion cross thingy in Groom, TX.
I had no idea I would enjoy touring this much.
Said “FORGIVE” sign. It’s near Clovis.
Oh look, it’s a tiny roadside cross.
Okay, maybe not so tiny.
WHAT THE HELL. How much charity work could have been done for that thing, anyway? How many people fed?
AND THEN IT TURNED INTO A SCARY COWBOY. Actually, this was in a different place.
OKC has a slightly smaller version near where the show was.
THE LINUX HISTORY CHANNEL. See if you can find why.
Sam Mulvey is a producer and the technical brain behind Ask an Atheist. He is a collector of vinegar varieties, vintage computers, antique radios, and propaganda.