Ask an Atheist with Sam Mulvey

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Roy Zimmerman is Completely on the Radio

You might not know who Roy Zimmerman is, but if you listen to Ask an Atheist you have heard Roy Zimmerman. Roy Zimmerman is a perpetrator of musical satire: known for songs with a definite liberal bent. Positively reviewed by the LA Times, Tom Lehrer, and Joni Mitchel, he’s also performed for the freethought community, including the “Rock Beyond Belief” concert for atheists in the military in 2012.  This episode is a bit larger than normal– we’ve encoded in 128k.

After the show, Roy will be performing at Northern Pacific Coffee Company at 5:00 PM.   Come join us!

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I love Roy Zimmerman’s song called Creation Science 101!


I really enjoyed Roy’s music.
Come on, Roy is really a Baptist evangelist like who I heard at Christian retreats and Jesus fairs when I was a teen! They’d love his songs!

Robert Ray

I wanted to make a comment on the AZ law as it regards an Atheist turning away an Christian or vice versa. Based on my understanding of the national anti-discrimination laws that situation would certainly violate federal law. Based on the Civil Rights Act, religion is a protected class and atheism is a religion in a legal sense as defined by the supreme court. However, the federal level does not address sexual orientation or identity. While I find the AZ law reprehensible, it does not directly violate the Civil right act. While the Civil rights act is aimed at employment… Read more »

Mike Gillis

I agree with you, Robert, but I think the mindset of the people behind this bill is that any attempt to stop them from doing ANYTHING in the cause of their faith is a violation of their First Amendment rights, and would override the Civil Rights Act. Clearly that’s a load of garbage, but I guarantee that’s how this will probably be implemented if put into law. I think they truly believe if they bully, harrass, shun, deny service, or even harm someone because of their religious faith, that they feel it should be legal. And given the political affiliations… Read more »

Yann van Heurck

Did Roy Zimmerman write the song “Vote Him Out” about Trump?

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