Leave Room For Architeuthis
Sam gives health updates and previews what the 40th season has in store for listeners. Becky and Warb are along for the ride, discussing Camp Quest NorthWest’s time travel theme.
Sam gives health updates and previews what the 40th season has in store for listeners. Becky and Warb are along for the ride, discussing Camp Quest NorthWest’s time travel theme.
Sam has officially returned! He, Josh, and Becky interview Camp Quest’s executive director Kim Newton and hear from camp leaders nation wide during the 2019 Camp Quest National Leadership Summit.
Nathan and Dan catch Becky up after a week at Camp Quest NorthWest. Becky explores how Secular Humanism can be used to address Trump’s immigration policy of inhumane terror. We address an atheist listener’s personal theory that we may be God creating itself.
Becky, Josh, and Justin cover Christians who reject gay camp counselors, want to torture gay youth with conversion therapy, and think LGBTQ+ folks and allies should be rounded up and executed by the government. They also take a quiz to see how “post-Christian” they are.
WARNING: Squid Ink may cause congressional diversity, government shutdowns, vice presidential embarrassment, or Stephen Miller’s receding hair line. In this episode, Sam, Luke, and Justin decry northwest white supremacists and make fun of Satan-fearing police officers. They celebrate newly elected officials and laugh at Pence. Then, Warb joins Sam, and they finally explain Squid Ink.