FBB’s Pathfinder Project!
Pathfinders Project, a year-long service commitment with a Humanist bent, has 3 days left in their fundraising campaign…
Pathfinders Project, a year-long service commitment with a Humanist bent, has 3 days left in their fundraising campaign…
Shelley Segal will be playing at Doyle’s Public House this weekend, Sunday April 14th. We’ll be meeting up at 5:00 PM, there’s no cover now, and it’s a 21+ show. Be there for good music and good times! Weren’t we somewhere else? Yes. Guess why its not there anymore!
So, the 2013 listener poll has been over for a couple weeks, and I’ve finished doing what processing of the data we felt necessary– basically removing duplicate entries based on checksums and timestamps.
There was a lot of questions and discussion on the questions, as we expected, so I’ve decided to go over each question, where our thought stand on then, and answer some questions asked in the discussion session.
… or … “At least he made the oil wells run on time!”
Sam explains why he felt it necessary to discuss Venezuelan politics within the context of skepticism.
We’ve often said on the show that we’ve never heard a good non-secular argument against marriage equality, and we’ve often challenged our listeners to let us know when they find one.
Bill brings up a doozy from Dennis Prager.