Becky, Justin, and Dan engage in scriptural cherry-picking to justify saving the planet and being against racism, all the while revealing the almighty dollar as America’s One True God, critically examining Harry Potter spells, and scrutinizing the implications of religious freedom laws.
- School skirts motto law by posting penny
- Venue declines interracial couple’s wedding inquiry on account of “Christian race”
- Boys’ religious braids aren’t grounds for barring them from extra-curriculars, athletics
- Rugby player’s firing over anti-gay tweet sparks religious freedom bill in Oz
- Buttigieg claims god hates climate change, pollution
- Pastor bans Harry Potter from school library to prevent spells from working
I reckon if you made a Venn diagram of people who think Miz Barbara should be allowed to pray with customers while on the clock, instead of doing her job, and people who think NFL players shouldn’t be allowed to protest while on the clock, *before* doing their job, there would be a whole lot of overlap. -Robert from Victoria, Australia
Is Ezekiel 23:20 the best bible verse sign to hold up when protesting against annoying theists? -DJ from Sydney, Australia